Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lakeville Invite

What a Blizzard!  I know I had a ton of fun driving all over town on Saturday, but I am glad that the Invite was cancelled in Lakeville.
Will have to finish/start shoveling on Sunday.  Hopefully, I will be able to get it done for Monday.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stillwater Competition

We were Great at the Competition in Stillwater.   Our Competitors were Cretin-Derham Hall, Forest Lake, Moundsview Park and Stillwater. 
The audience loved our performance.  The people I talked to thought we had danced better than some of the other groups, unfortunately the judges thought differently.
We need to work on polishing up our act.  Straight arms and legs, consistently higher kicks and exaggerated smiles.
Keep up the great work.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


What I saw on Saturday at practice was AMAZING.  This is a totally different team.

The JV team was on par with the team we had for varsity last year.  You are good!  We need to build the confidence level, lift your heads, straighten your arms and legs and SMILE!  This is FUN-WE ARE DANCING not doing our chores.
The Varsity team was OUTSTANDING!  I never saw the Raiderettes at this level of dance before.  You looked like any of the other teams I watched last year from the other schools.  Your moves were intricate and compelling.  Your confidence level was high and showed.  Moves were crisp.  I was AWESTRUCK.
I can't wait to see you at competitions and hear what the other teams will be saying.  Last year, it was "Wow Roseville has a team"  This year it will be 'WOW, WHAT A TEAM!'
What I loved was the Varsity team working together to get the dance memorized.  Asking questions and doing the same moves until it was right.  This determination makes WINNERS.