Saturday, March 3, 2012


Winning does not always mean being first.
Winning means doing better than you have ever done before.
Bonnie Blair- Olympic Athlete in Speed Skating

Wow! What a Year

WOW! What a Year we had in 2011 - 2012.

Thank you to the coaches and dancers for this exciting year. 

 What a joy to see such improvements in the dances, scores and rankings and fan enthusiasm.  It was fun to see and hear reactions of:     This is the Roseville Raiderettes-Wow, what a difference!
          They are really good-great dance.

Thanks to all the parents and grandparents, friends and fans that attended the competitions and invitationals to CHEER the team on.  You did a fantastic job - the cheers energized the dancers and increased their confidence. THANK YOU.
Our team is not complete without the support of our families and fans!