Friday, September 9, 2011


Fall Dance starts on Friday, September 9th from 3-5pm.

Practice will be held on Monday,Wednesday and Fridays from 3-5pm thru  October 14th.

Attend all practices
Attend all performances  September 30th and
                       October 14th
Be on TIME
Come wearing dance clothes
No food at practice
Only water and Gatorade at practice
Always wear dance shoes or tennis shoes
Remember to smile and have fun

There will be no fall dance at RAMS this year-Sorry.  Try to attend attend the performances at the football games on September 30th and October 14th.  This will give you the opportunity to learn more about this sport.

New Schedule for Winter Season-

The Dance Practice Schedule will change for the 2011-12 school year.  We will add Tues to our practice schedule.    MON, Tues, Wed and Fri practices will be from 3pm-6pm.  Thursday from 6pm-9pm.  We will also include some practices on Saturday, probably from 8am-noon.

Now it a great time to talk with others dancers and try to arrange for rides or carpooling.  Remember this is a team event and we need to help our team get together and get back home.


The FUNDRAISER BLITZ will be held on November 12th and November 19th.  I will start early morning until 4-5 in the evening.  WE HOPE FOR NO SNOWSTORM.  We need ALL DANCERS to attend, so mark your calendars now and plan ahead.

We would like to purchase new costumes this year.  New costumes will cost A LOT.  With that said, the motivation should be there to sell lots.  Everyone is needed to make this goal.

Please address any concerns with these dates now, so we have time to figures things out ahead of time.