Saturday, October 8, 2011

Summary of support meeting

We held our first Dancer Support Meeting on October 6th.  We will have a meeting the first Thursday of every month starting at 7pm.  The girls will be having practice this night so feel free to join us.

Lots of changes for this year for dancers.
Be ready for an intense year of dance.
Get your paper work.  Turn it in to Athletic Office.

Lots of changes this year for Supporters of Dancers
  We need two volunteers to help videotape every competition.  You can contact me if you are able to help in this area.  We need every dance taped to help the coaches look for areas to improve.  They would like the dance put on a disc or you can hand them the card(chip) so they can download and transfer.  They would like this done ASAP, and your chip would be returned promptly.

We also need to make a presence in the stands.  Ideally, we should sit together, wear RAIDER wear and be loud in our cheering.  Yes, they will hear  and see you.  This energizes them.  We need volunteers to stay near entrance doors to help direct people to where we will sit.

We also need help to provide food for the bus trips to our competitions. 

We will be forming committees to work on the following areas-bus trip food, banquet and fundraising.  If you could help in any of these areas pleas contact Janet  at