Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fundraiser Blitz

We had our first of two fundraiser blitzes today. 

The Good news is that it did not SNOW!  If you can remember, last year the fundraiser was held during a BLIZZARD.  I think we raised a lot of money due to the sympathy.

The GREAT news is that we have enough money for our costumes.  YEAH!  It is about time this time updated our look.  Plus with the increase in dancers, we need more just to put all the dancers on the floor.

A big THANK YOU to all the DANCERS, who helped their team out today.  You earned your new costumes.  And we will not forget the DRIVERS who spent the day once again helping the team-THANK YOU!

We also need to Thank the Coach Brittany for setting up this fundraiser.

Our next Fundraiser will be November 19.  We will meet at 11:30, after practice.  We will need adults drivers for our team.  If you can help us again-Please contact Coach Brittany.

Friday, November 11, 2011

We need Gym Space

Roseville Raiderettes Dance Team is a Varsity Competitive SPORT.  Why can we NOT get Gym Space?  Why do we get assigned to the Cafeteria to practice. 

Our SPORT competes on a Gym Floor.  When we cannot practice on the same floor, it affects our dance.  The marks on the floor and ceiling helps the dancers mark their position.  Gym practice time correlates directly with the ranking amongst other teams-INCREASED GYM TIME INCREASES SCORES.  The tile floor in the cafe is also not appropriate for the legs and joints of the dancers.  They are prone to more injuries and sprains.  The Gym is also larger so the dance can be completed in full.  The Gym also allows the Varsity and Junior Varsity to practice at the same time.

Roseville Raiderettes needs more time in a Gym to practice their SPORT.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Booster Fundraiser.  Email me at if you would like more details

Please support our fundraiser.

Dear Janet,
I'm helping ROSEVILLE RAIDERETTES - DEB KOZAK's Fund. You can help by clicking on the TupperConnect™ Fundraiser link below and purchasing one or more Tupperware® brand products.
In addition to receiving products from one of the world's most admired brands—40% of your purchase goes to our fundraiser. Please take a few minutes to review the amazing array of products available.
Please take a few minutes to review the amazing array of products available by clicking on the link below. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email at
Thank you for your support!
Shop My TupperConnect™ Fundraiser
This Fundraiser is to help the Booster Club raise money to supply the girls with:
spag dinners for a team bonding event
help pay for costumes, since our team has increased by 24 new dancers
help pay for other items needed to make their season fun and enjoyable
help defray the cost of busing to invitationals
host an end of the season celebration after our successful competition season
Please take the time to send this invite to your out of town relatives and friends. When ordering online they will be paying shipping and tax. I will send hard copies home with the girls Monday and Tuesday for collecting in person orders. These orders are taxed only. I will also send a letter explaining more details.

Fundraiser Details


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